Systemex Energies

SSV TM (Smart Soft Vehicle) turns loads smart in an unprecedented way

Systemex Energies

The challenge

Electric vehicles will likely create large swings in demand and contribute to peak loads. This requires ‘‘load shedding’’ and ‘‘load shaping’’ solutions.

The solution

SSV TM is one of many SOFTload TM applications in the field of distributed generation.

ssv-informationThe innovative SSV TM technology combines demand response with charging technologies for electric vehicle to grid (EV2G) and with electric vehicle to home (EV2H) connection technologies. Ultimately, batteries embedded with our technology can be used for “load shaping’’ and provide valuable reliability services.

Discussions were initiated with network operators, recharge station OEMs and electric vehicle manufacturers to incorporate our technology into EV2G and EV2H algorithms.

Electric vehicles / Battery manufacturers

SSV TM adapts to all electric vehicles and high power batteries.
Electrical Network Frequency
Load Modulation

Additional solution we offer

SOFTload TM turns loads smart in an unprecedented way

Our technology continuously adapts, at the source (without telecommunication), in the fastest way (in less than 250 milliseconds), and at the lowest cost, the energy consumption of a load to help stabilize the frequency of the electrical network. The aggregation of a set of SOFTload TM smart loads installed in various residential, commercial and industrial loads creates a virtual power plant (VPP) that provides reliability services to grids with smart decentralized loads.

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